Getting to know the UI

When you first start your project the windows that presents might look a bit different that what i have here, but it should have the same tabs and interfaces i have. you can move and resize the tabs the way you like it.

1- Tab and Menu Bar: This is where you will find the File, Edit, Window and Help menus as well as this is the area where it will show the tabs off all the different windows u have opened in the engine.

2- Toolbar: This is where you will find the engine settings, access to level blueprints(which we will talk about in later tutorials) cinematics and many other tools.

3-Modes: This is where you will find the selection of various tool modes for the editor such as the foliage brushes, landscape sculpting brushes and many more useful brushes and volumes that can be placed in your game world.

4-World Outliner: This is where you will find all the actors placed in the game level in a hierarchical tree view.

5- Details Panel: This is where you find the information, utilities and functions based on the current selection in the level.

6-Asset Browser: This is where you find all the assets that has been imported in to the game engine.

7-Viewport: This is the panel which allows you to take a look at the game world, the viewport cna be toggled to give full screen view from the top, bottom, side or the perspective view which is seen in the image above.

Navigating the World

To navigate the viewport, clicking and holding the right mouse button and using WASD keys will allow for easy navigation. Holding down the right mouse button and using the mouse will enable to look around freely.

The navigation camera speed can be changed at the top right side corner of the viewport to suit your needs.
