Creating your first project in Unreal

Today we'll be looking at how to setup and create your first project in Unreal Engine.

After You have downloaded and installed Unreal Engine using the epic games launcher you are now able to launch the Engine to create your project. If you haven't downloaded and installed unreal then refer to "Getting Started with Unreal Engine".

click the launch button to get started.

When running for the first time it will take a moment and then you will be presented with a screen to select the type of project you need and select the location to where it needs to be saved and give it a name.

In the upcoming  tutorials we will look at how to create a simple game. so we will select the third person template from the blueprint and click create. Also make sure to have starter content selected as we'll be using the assets provided to make the game.

We are using blueprints to create this game without having to do any coding.

After clicking create your project will be created and you will be presented with the unreal editor ready to starting making your first game.

We will look at the editor interface and some more details in the next tutorial.
